The role of good works in Romans 2. It would be a terrible
mistake to conclude from Pauls' emphasis on assurance that
perseverance in the faith is unnecessary.
One must not cancel out
the other pole of the biblical witness in order to sustain assurance.
Perseverance in the faith is absolutely necessary to maintain
assurance. Paul does not encourage anyone to believe that eternal
life will be theirs if they persist in disobedience. The statement
that God “will render to each one according to his works (Rom 2:6)
is not hypothetical, nor is the assertion that “the doers of the
law will be justified” (Rom 2:13). Some consign these statements
to mere hypothesis or even label them as contradictory since
elsewhere righteousness is said to be apart form works of law (e.g.,
Rom 3:20). A contradiction is unlikely inasmuch as Paul did not
forget what he wrote in Chapter 2 when he added chapter 3, especially
since the argument of Romans is well organized and sustained. Thomas
Schreiner, Paul, Apsotle of God's Glory, p. 279-280; italics added.
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