
Monday, February 13, 2017

DNA for Disciple Making Pastors

Our church is committed to making disciples through intentional relationships but this is very difficult considering the time requirements.  I am reading a plethora of books on discipleship for the third year of my DMin program at Talbot and am excited about being more effective at making disciples.  Here are some thoughts that gripped me today as I read Bill Hulls' latest book, Conversion and Discipleship.  
Over time, the DNA for multiplying disciples developed within me. What is this DNA? It has eight key components, listed below. Most of these are covered at some point in my book Conversion and Discipleship.

1.     A pastor’s first priority is growing every member of the church to be a mature, reproducing disciple.
2.     Every person called to salvation is called to discipleship.
3.     The gospel expects all disciples to make other disciples.
4.     All ministry activities should be evaluated by their contribution to growing mature, reproducing disciples.
5.     The method should be Jesus’ way of personally making disciples who make other disciples.
6.     Success should be measured not by how many disciples are made, but by how many disciples are making other disciples.
7.     Our churches exist for making disciples, and disciples are God’s gift to the world.
8.     The ultimate goal of making disciples is world revolution. When the gospel is preached to all peoples, the end will come.

To summarize all of this, I borrow the wise words of Pat Morley. “A disciple-making pastor has a vision to disciple every person in his church, a determination to make it happen, and a system for sustaining it.”

Bill Hull, p. 205.

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