
Friday, January 11, 2019

The Value of the Psalms in the Christian Life

The Psalms can and should be part of the constant practice of the presence of God. Regularly read from beginning to end, they lead us again and again to consider aspects of life and of God’s will that we might not otherwise choose to remember or confront — let alone to embody in our living. Memorized in chunks the Psalms can provide ready response to the pressing realities of our days. When I have wakened in a panic in the darkness of the early morning hours — submerged in fear, self-pity, or self-doubt — the Psalms have often provided the assurance that my anxieties are known by God, who enlightens my dark places. So, I encourage you to make the Psalms your constant companion. Keep a copy at hand, and keep their words in your mind and heart and on your lips as you meet the challenges of your days and nights.” (The NIV Application Commentary, Psalms Vol. 1, 104.)

Monday, January 7, 2019

The Necessity of Preachers

I am reading a sermon called The True Excellency of a Minister of the Gospel by Jonathan Edwards to sharpen my mind and stir my affections for God and his people.  I often look to Edwards or John Piper when I need an infusion of a God-saturated view of life and ministry.  Here is a quote on the necessity of gospel messengers . . . 
But God in infinite mercy has made glorious provision for the restoration of light to this fallen dark world; he has sent him, who is the brightness of his own glory, into the world, to be the light of the world. "He is the true light, that ligheth every man that cometh into the world" [John 1:9], i.e. every man in the world that ever has any true light. But in his wisdom and mercy, he is pleased to convey his light to men by means and instruments; and had sent forth his messengers, and appointed ministers in his church to be subordinate lights, and to shine with the communications of his light, and to reflect the beams of his glory on the souls of men. 
If you are a preacher, small group leader, Sunday School teacher, etc. you are one of God's appointed means of light to shine his light in the souls of men and women!